Great People Inside Assessments

GR8 Customised

Provides a unique assessment for your company; You can create one through  a simple choose-and-pick exercise in our library of 100+ dimensions. The GR8PI platform is so extensive that you will be impressed by the number of aspects we can measure.

Self-assessment: A person will rate himself/herself.

15 - 45 minutes to complete the assessment

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An Effective Tool For Your Business.

Every company is unique. What works best for a startup may not be as effective in an international environment. Even within one company, different stages of growth mean different needs. Understanding this, TRG Talent offers you GR8 Customised – a 100% customisable solution to addresses all your company’s specific requirements and concerns.

Solutions for:


Customisation helps you to save time and effort when browsing through irrelevant data. the solution is also cost-effective; you only pay for what you need.


Your candidates can’t “learn” the answers for the assessment you use since the assessment can change based on the position they apply for, the current needs of the company, and the external environment.


Competitors can’t “copy” your way of assessing candidates, employees and HiPos simply because the assessments are custom-built for your organisation

How Do I Start?

Do you know that we can predict whether a person prefers to work in a competitive environment by a combining of 4 dimensions – Ambition, Curiosity and Self Awareness, Flexibility and Results Oriented? Or do you know that we can tell how a person will manage their time by combining Conscientiousness, Discipline, Flexibility and Interests?

Dimensions are powerful tools that can measure specific traits in individuals. With the right combination, they can be even more powerful in predicting more complex behaviours and tendencies.

GR8 Customised

Provides a unique assessment for your company; You can create one through  a simple choose-and-pick exercise in our library of 100+ dimensions. The GR8PI platform is so extensive that you will be impressed by the number of aspects we can measure.


TRG has implemented technology solutions for industries like financial services, not-for-profit, and energy, oil, and gas, our custom configuration makes it well-suited for many other vertical markets as well. This adaptability is one of the key reasons why various industries choose us for their solution requirements.