Knowledge Sharing: Unlocking The Power of Candidates Sourcing – Find Talent and Let Talent Find You

April 27, 2023 16:00 (G4T +00:00)


Candidate sourcingfind talentknowledge sharing
Knowledge Sharing: Unlocking The Power of Candidates Sourcing – Find Talent and Let Talent Find You

About the event

Candidate Sourcing in HR is a critical component of any successful talent acquisition strategy, as it involves identifying and attracting the right talent to help an organization achieve its goals. However, sourcing is not without its challenges, and HR professionals must navigate numerous obstacles to find the best talent.

To overcome these challenges, HR professionals can use various sourcing approaches and strategies. For instance, companies can expand their talent pool by leveraging social media and online job boards or implementing employee referral programs.

In this presentation, we will explore the problems of sourcing in HR, the approach and strategies HR professionals can use to overcome these challenges, as well as some examples of best practices that well-known companies are using for candidate sourcing in a rapidly changing business environment So don´t miss out on this opportunity and join us as we dive into the exciting world of sourcing in HR.


Manuel Ehammer Manuel Ehammer
Intern Audrey akiko tamiya Lie Audrey Akiko
Intern Tran Danh Nhan Nhan Tran

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