
Blood Donations

Give a pint and help save a life! TRG arranges four donations a year and where possible, supports and collaborates with Chambers of Commerce such as the American Chamber of Commerce (AMCHAM) who also arranges blood drives.

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Save a Life!

In Vietnam, facts and accurate information about blood donation are rather limited. This has prevented many potential blood donors volunteering for such a good cause.

Fortunately, the interest in blood donation has shown a steady increase over the years as more organisations and Chambers of Commerce help to educate people.
It results in not only a positive change of understanding of the topic, but also the effort made by more and more people willing to make a difference to others via the blood supply.


Rick, the founder and CEO of TRG International, sets an excellent example. He’s a regular blood donor, and has been active in doing so for almost 30 years now.

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Blood Donations at TRG


Rick tries his best to motivate his staff at TRG International to get involved. As he says, “blood donation is such a simple thing with a huge impact that most people can do”.

With his commitment and enthusiasm, more and more staff at TRG have slowly stepped forward and taken part in the meaningful blood donation events.

TRG arranges four donations a year and where possible, supports and collaborates with Chambers of Commerce such as the American Chamber of Commerce (AMCHAM) who also arranges blood drives.

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Why donate blood?


At TRG International, we believe that donating blood is the most precious gift anyone can give, as it’s a small but real part of you, freely donated to help save others lives.

5 simple reasons for blood donation:

  • The Joy of Saving Human
  • Lives Free Health Check-up
  • Reduces Risk of Heart Disease
  • Burns Calories
  • Reduces the Risk of Cancer